If you want to flat out kill your Junior High Ministry, here are 5 things you need to keep thinking.
1) My Pastor
should leave me alone and let me do what I need to do.
If you have this thought for more than one year, he will do what he needs to do and that is fire you! Then he can go out and get himself a Junior High Youth Pastor that actually has the heart of the church.
2) I’ll stay
here till something bigger or better comes along.
If you can't make where you are bigger and better, what makes you think you will be able to handle something bigger at another church?
3) They’re
just Junior Highers….lets keep it really simple.
You have 6th graders in your community that are getting pregnant, doing drugs, and living in broken homes. They need more than a cute little memory verse and a good game of dodgeball. They need to hear the principles of Gods word and see how those principles can impact their lives. Don't keep it simple, keep it real.
4) Nobody can
do this better than me.
Wrong! If you don't learn to delegate to people that are better than you, you will never be a strong leader.
5) I have to
grow BIG
No, you do not have to grow big....you have to grow them. If you will make the focus of your junior high ministry to grow people in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, those individual people will bring other people with them and your ministry will grow bigger. But if you make the goal of your ministry to grow big, you will do one pizza party a month, have a larger group for a week or so and then go back down to where you were before. So, don't grow big....grow people.