On October 28th Oneighty is hosting our World Premier of "The End is Near 3". This will be our most epic and scary movie to date and our students are totally jazzed. Here is the lowdown. Each year we make a scary movie with this character named "The Ender" there is no blood, no gore, no evil spirits to the movie at all, however it is actually very scary. (you can see the teaser video by clicking HERE.)
We use this premier complete with red carpet, poporratzi, awards for the best dressed (kids come decked out in tuxes, prom dresses the whole deal) free popcorn and some sweet prizes to draw in student that have not attended Oneighty in a while or would not regularly attend church but come for the event. While they are here we present the gospel to them in a very powerful way.
Year One of the End is Near - I spoke on End Times and the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
Year Two of the End is Near - I talked about how all good things must come to an end. That sin has its pleasure for a season, but in the end the fun is over and you have to pay the bill for your mistakes.
Year Three of the End is Near (thats this year) - I am going to come out dressed in a sweet tuxedo. I'm going to talk about how just like the Ender - our sin and addictions are always around the corner waiting on us and if we don't confess them, and bring them to Christ they will ruin, destroy our heart and future. I'm going to illustrate this by totally ripping my tuxedo to shreds as I speak.
We are going to try and put this entire message up at www.oneighty.com so you can check it out for yourself if you would like.
This World Premier Event is going to be a monster night....and we are praying that tons of students will come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ because of our efforts. I'll give you a full report on October 29th.