At the Ignited Youth Conference I recently spoke at I was cut short on the time allotted me to speak. I promised the people attending the session that I would put my points on this blog site. So as promised here you go.
1) You have a calling and not a career.
Don't treat the ministry that God has called you to like it is a job or a stepping stone for your ministerial career. If God called you where you are, stay there and make it bigger and better than when you first arrived. Here is a word to the wise when it comes to "moving" to another church..."The grass is always greener over the septic tank."
2) How to get under the authority of your Senior Pastor
Luke 16:12 says "If you have not been faithful in that which belongs to another man who will give you that thing which is your own". Your youth ministry does not belong to you, it belongs to your Senior Pastor. What does he want? How does he want it ran? What is his heart when it comes to the church, leadership, student ministry? Find those things out and do them his way. When you do, God will bless your efforts.
3) How to gain influence.
Finding out if you have influence is pretty simple. All you need to do is answer these three questions. 1) Who am I? 2) Why am I here? 3) Where am I going? If you can answer those three things you will have influence in the people around you. If you can't you won't.
4) You need to know your responsibility as a leader.
Four D's of leadership are as follows. Define - Delegate - Discipline - Develop.
5) How to build a team.
Building a team is done by having reflexive systems for these five things. 1) Recruiting 2) Equipping 3) Training 4) Releasing 5) Rewarding If you have systems for these five things you will recruit and keep great workers.
6) You need to know that numbers are important.
If you don't thing reaching numbers of people for Christ are important, than quit your position in ministry and let someone who does take your spot.
7) Your ministry is not the most important ministry in the church.
To find out more about what the church and Christianity is all about, read Hebrews 12:1-2. When you read it you will not see the words "me" "mine" or "I". You will however see a lot of the words "we" " our" and "us". This lets me know that my church and student ministry is not about me and my agenda. It is about us as a corporate body and all the ministry departments of the church working together as a team and reaching people for the kingdom.
8) OK is not good enough.
If your room is ok, your worship is ok, your message is ok, and your activities are ok. When your students are asked how is your youth group, they will say.....OK. Is that what you want? Then OK is not good enough.
10) You need to know how to make your service count.
Each week you have 1 hour out of 168 hours to make an impact into a students life. Here are three ways to make your service count.
1) ONE purpose - everyone that works in your ministry is coming not for their own agenda but for the one common purpose of reaching students for Christ.
2) ONE theme - what are you talking about that night? Narrow it down to one sentence and teach that sentence three different ways.
3) ONE person - you are not doing your ministry for the masses, you are doing it for one kid. Make sure that night you and your staff minister and talk with individual students.
11) That every kid counts.
When you look at the ministry of Jesus he knew that every person counted. He was constantly talking with, hanging with, ministering to the down and outers, misfits, and sickly of his day. Everyone counted to Jesus....make sure that everyone counts to you.
These 11 things are principles that you need to master and allow to become a part of your personal DNA. If you will know these things and do these things on a weekly basis, you will not only be able to effectively reach teenagers for Christ, you will have a lot of people wanting to work alongside of you i the harvest field.
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