Tomorrow night at Oneighty we are going to look at ENTERTAINMENT a whole new way. Here is a quick overview of what I'm going to talk about.
Entertainment is like a body of water. There are tons of things floating in this sea - TV - Computers - Cell Phones - Books - Magazines - Video Games and Movies just to name a few. Just like a body of water there are different levels, depths and currents to the sea of entertainment. If you are not careful you will allow your flesh, your friends, and culture to push you into deeper and deeper waters, until one day you are in way over your head, caught up in the waves and totally lost at sea.
Where are you floating in the sea of entertainment?
How did you get here?
Where does God want you to float, draw the line?
Leviticus 20:7 - Be holy for I am holy.
Romans 1:32 - Knowing that those who do such things are worthy of death, not only do them but take pleasure (are entertained) by those that do.
If you are out to do you get back?
1) Call the coast guard.
2) Grab a life preserver.
3) Float back to safe waters.
I'm going to illustrate this entire message on a giant 8' long white board up on stage. Here is a quick view of a practice layout I did in our 180 conference room.
Entertainment can be one of the biggest pitfalls in peoples lives, especially teenagers. Because of this I'm really looking forward to giving them a biblical world view of the sea they are floating in.
This should be fun!