I absolutely love youth ministry. Since 1992 I have had the honor of working with teenagers, trying my best to help them draw closer to Jesus Christ. I've had some good times and some not so good.
Here are some of the day's I'd like to forget....
I remember one time having a message that I just knew God wanted me to speak to the entire group. That night one kid showed up. ONE! So I preached that message to that one kid....awkward...yes! But I preached it none the less.
One time we had a big car wash planned and only three people showed up, myself, my 5 year old son, and one teenager from the group. Needless to say, we did not make much money that day.
One night we had an entire busload of students that was so bad, I had the driver turn the bus around and take all 60 students back to the pick up point, they were so ticked off at me....I loved it!
We took a group of 30 or so students on a missions trip to Florida. During the trip a few of my students gave their heart to the Lord. I guess that's good...but the missions trip would have gone a lot better if the kids I took to share Jesus would have actually known him before they started witnessing!
I took a group of 10 kids on a missions trip to Arizona. While we were there one of the students went off by himself and started painting...that would not have been to bad, except he was painting the wrong building! He was painting the Pastors House!
Here are some things I will never forget....
Taking a trip to Cedar Point walking around with a young 6th grader and his friend. Talking and laughing, having a great time. Today that 6th grader is studying to be a missionary.
Meeting with 50 or so hand selected students once a month for a year, training them about how to study the bible, being a leader and growing in God. Today 5 of those students are in full time ministry.
My Pastor from Ligonier, Indiana (Bill Parks) taking me to Tulsa, Oklahoma to hear Pastor Willie George share God's vision for reaching teenagers.
The opening night of our XTREME YOUTH CENTER in Ligonier, Indiana and sharing Jesus with more teenagers than I had ever talked to at one time....65.
Hearing God tell me "Your Time in Ligonier is almost over" then 2 hours later getting a phone call from another Pastor, I did not know, asking me if I would like to be his Youth Pastor.
Two months later, leaving all family and friends and moving 5 hours away, because we knew that is what God had called us to do.
Gabe, one of my teenagers that went from outcast to trusted friend, saying the words "find another me...." just before we moved to Madison, Indiana.
Reaching over 300 students on an outreach event in Madison, Indiana.
Moving to Tulsa, to serve on staff at Oneighty.
The day Pastor George called me to his office and asked if I would accept the position as Oneighty's Youth Pastor.
Seeing my 17 year old son, play in the Oneighty worship band for the very first time.
You know the list of things that I never want to forget is so big, I have to stop writing or it will go on forever. God has been so good to me and you know what he had been good to you as well.
Today, in fact right now, why don't you stop what your doing and take some time to reflect on the incredible journey God has taken you and your family on the past few years. You will be glad you did.