One of my favorite phrases in all of life is Carpe Diem, it is a Latin phrase that means.
Seize the
The reason I love this phrase so much is, because I believe that there are specific moments that come in the life of every single one of us. There is a very special time, where every person has the opportunity to stand in the face of fear, to push through pain, blow past obstacles, to go beyond their previous limits and step into their destiny.
We see this all threwought the pages history, men like George Bush, Micheal Jordan, Babe Ruth, Winston Churchhill, the list goes on and on each of them had their time, they had a moment that defined them as men.
We see this played out in the pages of scripture – when David a shepherd boy
who had been faithful at protecting his sheep, killed a lion, a bear and know
found himself running down a valley to face a giant. David had his time.
We see this defining moment of time when three Hebrew young men looked a tyrant in the eye and said No – we will not bow down. And we see Carpe Diem played out most of all when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ put a cross on his back, climbed up a hill, and willingly gave his life for the sins of the world. You see David had his time, Those Three Hebrew Young men had their time, Jesus Christ our Lord Savior had his moment in time and today as I look around the landscape of Christianity and see volunteer, leaders, pastors, people that have surrendered their life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ .....I say this is our time.
This is our time to stand in the face of any fear.
This is
our time to push through pain and blow past obstacles.
This is
our time to go beyond our previous limits and define ourselves as who we are. Children of God.
This is
our time.
Today we live in a world that puts money first but is always broke, sleeps around but is never satisfied, gluttonous but is never full and has absolutely everything but is still searching for something. Plain and simply my world, your world, our world ... needs a savior.
Just like the days of old, today there is an enemy that is after our family, our friends, our future and our faith and to that I say....Carpe Diem.... seize the day!
When you are sitting at the table with your kids...seize the day.
When you are talking with a co-worker...seize the day.
When you are wondering if you should invite your neighbor to church ... seize the day.
This is no time for you and I to wait for a better situation, or an easier time to act. No, today is the day, and you are the person to make a difference. So whatever it is that you have been wanting to do for HIS kingdom, shrug off your fear, blow past your obstacles, be who God has called you to be and do what God has called you to do......
Carpe Diem.