Last week at Oneighty we rapped our our third week of the REACH series. We talked about how that some people are just plain rude. Like these two guys in the bible that saw this dude laying in the street beat up, bleeding and half dead. They saw him, they knew the issue, and they didn't care. They just walked on the other side of the street and left him there. Now that is rude!
We all see people that need help. Family in the parking lot at Wal-Mart with car trouble. The person at the convenience store begging for money. The weird kid that no one likes, and people in our neighborhood, team, and classroom that are cool people, they just don't know Jesus.
In those situations are we like the two rude dudes? Do we see the problem and not do anything. Do we know people that need our help, but we refuse to give them any. What is it that keeps us from reaching out and helping a friend?
Well there are three things.
It is easy for us to think we are better than the person needing help, and simply ignore their problem because well, we think we are better than them. They're broke - we're not. They're jacked up - we're fine. They need Jesus and we've already found him. So we go on our way.
Fear freezes us from action. We know we should do something, but what if we try and help and they are mean to us. What if I ask them to church and they say NO? What if I ask them to church and they say YES? What will my friends think, when I bring this rough kid with me to church? We easily get frozen in fear and fail to reach out.
My money, my time, my youth group, my youth pastor - these are things we often say about the stuff our friends need to help them. They need some financial assistance....but it's my money. They need someone to talk to them, but I'm to busy. They need a place to belong, but it's my youth group. Our selfishness many times keeps us from remembering "God is not willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance."
This week - don't be rude - cut thru your pride, fear and selfishness and simply reach out and help a friend.
You both will be glad you did.
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