Well this morning Ed gave his first message of the conference, as usual it was great stuff. Besides the snappy clothes, watching his new rap video, yes I said rap video, and constant rhyming, Ed rhymed more in one hour than any human has ever rhymed on planet earth before, Ed gave me a ton of things to think about and work on in the ministry God has called me to.
Here are my notes from Ed’s talk.
Iguana’s have incredible vision. They see 70x more than human beings. They also have a 3rd eye on the back of their head. Because of this Iguana’s see amazingly well.
As Leaders we need to be like the Iguana. We have to not only have great vision, we need to look at the right stuff. We need to focus on the right target.
What is the Target God has given you?
When God gives you a target and you go after the target, eventually you will become the target. You will become the target of opposition.
It is beautiful and also brutal.
Here are a few laws of leadership from Nehemiah.
Law of investigation.
Nehemiah asked the right questions to the right people.
You have to be people that investigate. Leaders ask. Period.
He asked his friends.
He asked God.
He asked the King.
Questions are organic.
Find people in your life that you can ask questions too. Put the answers thru your creative filter and God will use that to build your target – your bull’s-eye.
Law of preparation
Nehemiah prayed.
He prayed long prayers, short prayers, he just prayed.
When you pray you face the issue you are up against.
Nehemiah prayed …then he acted.
He went to the King and asked permission for the provision.
God has the provision for his vision …but you’ve got to ask.
You have to put a premium on talking about tithes and offerings.
You have to go after the target (reflect the glory of God) build the church – you can’t do that without money.
Law of Multiplication.
Target moves from HE to ME to WE.
Do you share your vision? You need to say it, spray it, wheel it deal it, make them feel it.
Who are the WE in your life? You only really need two or three trusted people.
Who are they? You’ve got to have the right they. How do you know who is the right they…. they are always have HE in the middle.
As a leader we have opportunity to see people and use their natural aptitudes and abilities.
Give people the props – if you think it text it – if you think it blog it – if you think it say it to them.
Are you working hard? Or is what your doing hardly working?