One of the most important relationships in the spiritual development of a Christian Teenager, is the relationship between Parents and the Youth Ministry the teenager attends. God has ordained both the Family and the Local Church, and when both of these entities work together to impact the life of a teenager, that is when true life change begins to occur.
Because of this, we at Oneighty are doing a few things to partner with parents. One simple way that we are building bridges with our families is by launching a parent page where I give a weekly video recap of what I talked about that week at Oneighty. I also put a written version of my message with questions parents can ask their teenager during the course of the next week.
Here is a video recap of a recent Oneighty message....
Parent Update 4.29.10 from kevin Moore on Vimeo.
Helping a teenager become all that Jesus Christ died on the cross for them to be is far to personal of a task to be done just by the local youth ministry, however, it is far to big of a job to be done just by the family. But thru the years, I've seen that, when both the family and the church combine forces, a young persons faith will begin to grow.
To start partnering with Oneighty just log onto (parent page) at every Thursday. There you will get all the latest video updates, message notes and inside scoop of everything we are doing each and every week.